Site development efforts get $30 million boost with Alabama’s first SEEDS grant

MONTGOMERY, Alabama — Governor Kay Ivey announced today that the State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) has approved over $30 million in grants under the new Site Evaluation and Economic Development Strategy Act (SEEDS) to speed the development of much-needed industry-ready sites across the state.

The groundbreaking grant program — a key portion of the Governor’s “Game Plan” package of economic development bills approved by the Legislature last year — takes direct aim at the urgent need for quality industrial sites in Alabama at a time when other states are spending heavily to expand their site programs.

A total of $30.1 million in SEEDS funding will be matched with $38.4 million in local funds at 29 different industrial sites encompassing nearly 8,400 acres.

“SEEDS represents an important tool that will allow us to keep winning those economic development projects that trigger lasting impacts for Alabama citizens,” Governor Ivey said.

Michael Randle

Michael Randle